New Zealand Hash House Harriers
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Bay of Islands.jpg

Bay of Islands


Bay of Islands Hash was the brainchild of Moogabee and Pokin Out (also known as Keith Kietzmann and Deb Clarke). After an experimental couple of runs they finally had their inaugural run on 6 May 2007. It was well attended by hashers from their mother Hash, Mt Mangonui. Humpy the current NZ GM and Perky his wife came along with a number of Mount Hashers to give us a boost.  Other from the Mount and Auckland included Snag, Orgy, Stamen Two Jugs, Shunter, and Captain from Auckland. Pet Roll, K Gel. DG, Wooly Jumper, Silver Tongue, Lucifer, TeazeMaid and Keyless attended as well. Due to the strong influence of Mount Hash many traditions have been followed. There is always the obligation piss stop at some stage during the run and a fine circle at the end of the run. The idea of the running toilet as the emblem for Bay of Islands Hash was inspired by blunderbuss at toilets in colour (Hundertwasser).  And obviously with us all talking and drinking toasts which felt quite comfortable with hashers in the toilet, the running toilet became our emblem.
We have a toilet, which is suitably decorated, after being given to us by our neighbours Whangarei Hash (WH5). Bay of Islands has had its numbers falling and rising since that first run, with numbers between 5  to 35. We have never stopped hashing, although in the winter- time many years ago, we went to fortnightly.   We entice and welcome anyone along and have had a colourful and mixed bunch on our trails over the years.  We welcome children and dogs and if you need a lift, bed or any information about the area, we do our best to accommodate.


We run on Mondays at 5pm and cover the wider Bay of Islands area (along the coast and between Kawakawa and Kerikeri) On public holidays we may meet earlier.
Our regular numbers are about 8 -15.

Run sign on is $10.00 and byo drinks and picnic gear (the fee covers hash run, piss stop and kai / food)

 We have over 800 runs (2023) and usually have AGPU weekends and some overnight parties to celebrate special run numbers. Our 777 Run was an overnight celebration on 27 Aug 2022.

  A relatively small but perfectly formed hash we welcome anyone to come and hash with us in the Winterless North OnOn


GM - Ebeneezer

RA/Web master Heavy Metal     021 432720

Hash Cash - Magic Roundabout (ex Brunei H3)    0212 693 056

  Hash on Sec

Brewmaster - CR  (Cockroach)

Also contact  Teazemaid (ex NZGM)   09 4026915 (Hm) / 0212056822

Whangarei HHH on run.jpg



The hash has seen a resurgence in recent years and now boasts a younger brigade of some 20-25 runners most hash nights, greatly outnumbering the walkers.  Family connections have contributed to this resurgence. Boobies whose dad Prickhairyarse served as GM for 10 years is part of the younger section. Mum is Tithairyarse.  

  • Current committee as of Feb 202 consists of the GM Fizz Bitch ; RA - ??, Hash Kash - Titty, Circlemaster – Dot Cum, Trailmaster/Face booker – Unsightly bulge, Scribe -  Hard Drive.

  • The AGPU is around Xmas on a yearly cycle.  The yearly cycle is recent.

  • Communication is by email and Facebook.  Emails sent out on the weekend for the following tuesday run. Hard Drive has been scribe for the last couple of years.  They also have a website.

  • Funding – Members pay a $2 weekly fee. Buy your own drinks at pub runs and bring your own drinks to home runs.  

  • Summer runs are mostly home runs.  With some adventurous bushbashing runs.  Run lengths vary from 6 to 12km. A growing dog contingent in the hash, all with their own hash names.  

  • Hash night is tuesday at 6.10 pm.

  • The circle is usually run by the Circlemasters with 8-10 fines on average.  

  • Prickhairyarse is the godfather of the hash in terms of runs. At late 2024 he was on 1784. Hard Drive was on 1567. Gay Girl is the longest serving hasher although her attendance is somewhat intermittent these days.    

  • Regular special runs include Limestone Island, Red Dress, Halloween, and St Paddys day runs. St Paddys day run features events such as egg throwing, relay races and

  • Also the run between Xmas and New Year is known as the Sad Bastards run.  Cos if you come along you are a sad bastard with no other friends then the hash  !!

  • Travellers to away runs – Hard Drive, Prickhairyarse.   

Current committee:

Simon (Prickhairyarse) Parker
Hm 09 4351299
parkerchu @

Jenny (Boobies) Cripps
Mob 021 0296 3547
parker.jenny @

Andrew (Hard Drive) Bax
Hm 09 4362801 0274519617
andrew @

Mangawhai Heads.jpg

Mangawhai Heads


Founded in 2006 by SHARKEY, PHANTOM and PLUNDER, all ex-Auckland Hash or Auckland Hussies. The MHHHH came about when a number of Auckland hashers purchased properties at Mangawhai and found themselves spending most long weekend there. Run number 1 was held on New Year’s Eve 2006 with 19 attending. Runs are held on the Saturday of most long weekends as well as the traditional New Year’s Eve run. Runs normally start at 1500NZST (3pm), or 1600NZDT but can be delayed if there are too many Englishmen frightened to go out in the midday sun. Runs can include a mixture of village streets, farm land, forest, beach and bush.

Runs will also be held on demand for visitors, all we need is a few days notice.

Hasher numbers vary from a record of 71 to a low of 2. The most notable run so far was the MHHHH pre-amble to Nash Hash 2017 when in early Feb 71 turned up for an outstanding run around the environs of Mangawhai. There was a ball breaker, long medium and short options as well as a short stroll for the aged and infirmed. We also now hold a run to co-incide with the annual Mangawhai Walking Weekend which is a major event on the Mangawhai Calendar. An integral part of the walling weekend is the Food and Wine Festival. A great occasion to wind down from the stresses of a stroll in the morning.

There is a small cadre of hashers (SHARKEY, TATIE, NAILBAG, GREENPIECE and PUFF) who now reside permanently in NZ’s fastest growing town (pop 2500) and call the MHHHH their home hash. MHHHH has been represented regularly at NZ Nash Hash, and PUFF gets to as many hash events around the world as he can.

MHHHH is a self-catering hash. $3 for the bucket but BYO drinks and nibbles for the circle. Often, but not always, there will be a pot luck dinner on the evening following the run.

There is no committee. SHARKEY was appointed GM for life at the inaugural run, mainly because no one else would do it. PUFF is the GM in waiting in the event of the early demise of the current office holder.

Mangawhai is not just famous for our expensive sewage treatment plant we are also the fastest growing seaside town between Pakiri and Waipu and can offer a wide variety of hashing territory (except pavement…yay).

We are up to 100 runs (in 10 years). We have increased our runs per year in recent years with our 100th part of Nash Hash 2021 road trip.  Most runs are Sharkey 89, Tatie 66, Plunder 64, Phantom 61, Magpie 60 and Indynial 59. Sadly Puff has now moved to Warkworth - early 2021

Current committee:

sharkey.tatie @
09 4314863 / 022 1401724

carol @ 
09 4180027 / 0274555753

Auckland Hussies.jpg

Auckland Hussies


Auckland Hash House Hussies first run occurred on the 1st February 1978. Ann Bennett set the run from the Leopard Tavern, Freemans Bay which still exists but has changed its name numerous times over the decades. Six hussies were present, all who are long forgotten. Auckland Hussies started as a result of the female partners of the Auckland Hash wanting to run as well. They were excluded from running with the men’s group due to the fact that they were woman. This is still the case today, but who cares.

In those early times, no men were allowed to run with the Hussies. Over the years men slowly became a feature. First a couple of token males to keep the Hussies safe on the cold and wintery nights, then more arrived when they realised that females were actually good company and could run. Then the Hussies gave them duties such as bringing the beer keg and laying a trail or two. Now they are even allowed on to the Committee, although never as Grand Mistress.

In those first few years Hash names were not prominent, but now all Hussies [female and male] have hash names. A newby normally gets a name after about 5 runs or if they do something memorable.  

A normal Hussies night starts at 6:30 every Tuesday night, rain or shine, somewhere within the Auckland region usually close to someone’s home if not from it. Runs are between 6 and 8 km long and are followed by a circle with many a fine with hash songs, usually great food, drink, company and lots of laughter. As the hussies have mostly matured the runs have become walks for a few. Therefore all abilities are now catered for. 

Runs are from Hussies home, a reserve or a cheap restaurant. The charge is $15 for most runs which covers food and drink. Drink include; various beers, wine, softies and mixes.

There is an annual renewal/rotation of all committee members: Grandmistress, HashCash, Trailmaster/mistress, Fines/RA mistress, Brew Master, Haberdasher.

Run 2000 was in December 2015 with a very fine weekend event. The Hash is now up to 2200 at early 2021.   Highest runs are Magpie 1388, Plunder 1288, Phantom 1185, Coy Boy 1066 and Crude 901.


gm @
hashcash @
trailmaster @

Check the website out for the latest run details, other events, photos and contacts:


or go to our facebook page:

If you want some phone contacts try Plunder or Phantom on 09-418-0027 or 274-555753, or Magpie or Indinial on 09-442-4598 or 0221-831941

From Auckland Hussies sprung Splash Hash [now paddled away] and Mangawhai HHH

Auckland Mens.jpg



Oldest Hash club in NZ as can be seen by the motley old pack.

 Established 1970.  Cracked the 2700 run mark in August 2021.   Reached 2775 runs in April 2023.

As of October 2024, we have 9 members who have passed the 1000 run mark, with Demon Dave having reached 2150 runs.

A men-only hash, but visiting hussies/harriettes always welcome. We run as a mixed hash on Public Holidays, and across the Summer holiday period.

 Running 15 to 20 most Mondays starting at 6.30.

 Communication by: Email amongst ourselves and website  which has updates on our coming runs.

 We organise a Rangitoto Island run Feb nearly every year, open to all hashes.

 We experimented with a RAT Run (Rail & Ale Trail ) in  Winter 2022 – travelling by train, visiting RSA Clubs and pubs. This was successful, and looks like becoming an annual event.

 Our minor disasters include:

 Police rescue of BANANAS and DEMON from the mud flats at Waterview,

 Police/Ambulance rescue of BORING all busted up on Rangitoto,

 Auckland Trampers’ rescue of PILES from Waitakere Ranges  (He was lost overnight and we were late to the piss stop that night.  Poor form)

 Most memorable run was an ordinary Monday with the run from South Auckland.  After a short run we boarded an old DC3 and were told to sit and strap in by the suitably attired hostess.  To the surprise of all the old bitch took off (The plane). We did a few laps of the Sky tower and landed at Whenuaipai.  We did a run around the base and flew back Ardmore. Well done PHANTOM and ARKLES.


Current committee: 2024-25

  • GM – Hard to Port

  • Brew Master  - Dio

  • Hash Kash – Demon Dave

  • Registrar -  Arkles

  • Trailmaster -  Piss on You

  • Choirmaster/RA - Loose Change

  • Scribe - Bush Banger

  • Fines - Cross Dresser

  • Joint Masters -  Carmen and Demon


  • Gawdnose 021923607

  • Diahrear barryjohnryan01 @ 0226188395

  • Demon Dave 022 644 9650

  • Email info @


Hibiscus Hash

The Hibiscus Hash house Harriers are located about 30km north of the Auckland Hash House Harriers and are one of the least known of the New Zealand Hash house Harrier Groups and visitors are always welcome.

On the Coast we are a little more relaxed and comprise a small group with runners from 8 years to 50+. We start off usually from someones house, follow arrows marked on the ground and end up back where we started. The hare (person marking the arrows) is usually the only one who knows where the trail goes (and sometimes even they get LOST) and the rest of us (the hounds) follow where ever the arrows lead. For the HHHH the beer swilling days are long gone.

We are the secret hash, the HHHH have be running since 1987 and stay true to the first rule of hashing, there are no rules, no committee, no leader, no organisation, no fees, no commitments. Chaos theory at its best. Its free, we run 4 to 7 km usually taking 3/4 to an hour on Monday nights rotating the starting point each week and have an optional meal and beer/juice afterwards which you pay for if you want it. All visitors are welcome.
The Hibiscus Hash runs are centred around the Hibiscus Coast near Orewa, 30 minutes north of Auckland. If you want to talk to a real Hasher, call Scotty over at Rodney Roofing. As of Dec 2024, HHHHH have done 1711 runs. Top hashers are Handbrake 1049, Luigi 1037, Ringo 1017, Buddha 968 and Trip 939.

North Shore Hussies.jpg

North Shore Hussies


Formed in 1982 through efforts of Hashmen Hacker and Sooty.

Initially only a genuine Hussey as GM,  then one female Grandmistress and one male Grandmaster.  Now back to one GM - Revs as of Dec 24 – with committee to be advised but no doubt including Whorespiss, Joe90;  Kash, Hooka, Comes Once,     

  • Run every Wednesday evening at 6.30pm throughout the year (torches after end of daylight saving), mostly on Auckland's North Shore although do venture over the bridge and 'Out West' from time to time.

  • Trails often have a Runners/Walkers split to keep the pack together - runs set mainly from Hussies homes or parks.

  • Pack sizes around 10 - 15.

  • Cost currently $15 per week to cover food and grog.

  • Circle at end of trail run by GMs with fines assisted by Religious Adviser.

  • Prick of the Week normally conferred by previous holder, which entails not only the downdown but also the privilege writing up the current weeks run for inclusion in the trash.

  • The trash is distributed by email.

  • Weekly 50 cent raffle for fabulous prizes (Beer, Chocolate etc.) Hash names for new boots normally after several runs.

  • Most runs in the hash are 10 Speed 1604 at Dec 2024.  Bedsores 1521 and Whorepiss 1065. Hooka closing in on 1000 and others over 700 are Revs, Rideme, Brucilla and Probe.

The annual weekend run for NSH is the No Reason weekend. Normally late Summer - early Autumn


Joe 90
jdenexter54 @   

secret_combination @

Comes Once
juliehilton_7 @

NBR - No Batteries Required
lynn.toomer18 @   




The idea of the Norwest Hash Harriers was conceived by a group from Auckland Hash House Harriers (Butcher Bill, Catweazle, Roscoe and Colonel Sanders).  The philosophy behind NWH3 was gourmet food (a substantial meal to be put together by the hares) which is still the case today, and that we are based in West Auckland  (ie. Norwest of the city). Both of the ideals remain true today although we are known to have the odd run over on the North Shore or the central City.

The inaugural run was held on 12 April 1988 and we were joined by the then iconic mayor of Waitakere City, Tim Shadbolt, although he didn’t tow the concrete mixer behind the Council limo that night as he had left a Council meeting to send the runners (45 of us) on their way.

Norwest quickly grew to some 70 odd runners/walkers and feeding this mob became a challenge.  Over the years as priorities have changed and some have moved away or retired numbers have declined to only a handful late in 2024

GM for Norwest is Loose Change Till June.

Runs are on a Tuesday night at 6.30pm, but with the small numbers sometimes it is just a walk to a restaurant.

At March 2021 Norwest had clocked up 1760 runs, with Hard to Port on 1480, Part Timer on 1264, Sharkbait 900, Weeek 860 and Joe 90 on 665.  No update supplied in 2024

Runs cost $15.00 which includes the piss stop, a gourmet feed and drinks.

Long time core members Metal and Petal have moved to the Hawkes Bay so the hash is soldiering on without them.

The hash sadly lost one of NZ’s most popular hashers Max the Shitter (AKA Mr Sharkbait) in 2017.  


weeekoneil @

Hard to Port
mellick @

daverussnz @


Auckland Veterans


Men Only club -   Was a break away from Auckland hash in the 1980's

  • The Vets no longer run or walk but meet fortnightly for a meal & a drink, either at a restaurant or someone’s place - cost about $30.00.

  • The current GM for Vets is Port Vincient. PV

  • Numbers normally around 11. All bar one have goldcard   

  • Of the members still attending, Couch and Pencil have run/attended 811/810 times as at Dec 2024 with Joe90 on 6818. The Vets as a group are on 1093.



Joe 90
Cell 021 2540690
email: jdenexter54 @

Auckland Soroako H3


The Auckland Soroako H3 runs monthly.   Most of our attendees work for one company, but that’s more about how we started than who we are.   All hashers are welcome.   We generally (but not always) run on the 3rd Thursday of each month (generally) at 6pm.   Given the city base of our company our runs are generally within a 30 min drive of central city.

Run fee is $20 (fee covers run, drinks and food).

Our next run will be run # 256

Contact Big Tree – 0274 739965 – 

Current committee:

Hash Master – Tourette

Hash Cash – One Roti

Woeful pub crawl Nash Hash.jpg




West of Everywhere Full Moon Hash House Harriers

WOEFULL run once a month (twice in Blue Moon months!).

Runs are meant to be on the closest weekend to the Full Moon,  usually on a Sunday at 11:00 AM in Summer. A bit later in Winter.   Mostly bush runs.   And longer than the average NZ hash run.  8-10 km.

A run MUST last an hour or the hare has to go again the following month.

WOEFULL is predominantly a running hash, but there are walkers. The hares are pretty good about taking this into account but they will still walk for an hour or more.

We try not to run on concrete or asphalt and stick to the trails  so we can get our shoes wet and muddy. It is a general rule of thumb to bring extra socks, shirt, shoes as there are a lot of streams and shoreline.

Typical attendance is from 8 to 15 and we always welcome new folks. We don’t generally do food but we have drinks and snacks. We may have a bring-your-own BBQ at times.

Run numbers centre round the number 13, with that number being the yearly run quota (with there generally being 13 full moons a year).   Hashers reaching the magic number 13 buy their own black tee-shirt, and the club has it embroidered after each additional 13 runs.   The Worm has done nearly all of the runs with suggestions of not having got a life.

WOEFULL has a FaceBook page for those that are not FB averse. It is at and open to the public. Schedules are posted there. They also have a WhatsApp channel, but you would need to ask for access.

        Current committee headed by GM -  Bird-Table (ex NZGM) RA - Revs & Sheep Shagger 

        Run funding – $10 for adults, $5 for kids.  Includes beer (low alcohol always available), softies, chips and dips. 

        Food occasionally -  BYO meat BBQ, sometimes a cheap Restaurant or Cafe On-After

        Main Travellers to away runs – The Worm, Bird-Table, Revs .

        Bird-Table a winner of numerous female downdown titles including an Interhash down-down.

        WOEFULL are multiple past winners of the NZ Nash Hash boat racing competition.   



50 Shades of Gay

jimmy @

The Worm 
Thewormnz @


Birdtablenz @

Mount Hash including Chopper.jpg

Mount Maunganui


2MH3 has been active for 35 years and records show 1906 runs as of October 2024. The 35 year anniversary was celebrated in July 2024 at Waitawheta, in the Karangahake Gorge area. 

Mount has its own web site which gives the hashers an insight to our chapter and is the main source of communication along with the Mount Hash facebook page. 


Mount Hash is a friendly mixed hash that runs every Monday without fail at 6.00pm and public holiday Mondays 5.00pm. Runs are from homes, reserves, parks, farms and pubs. The pack is mostly walkers now, with a small group of runners and numbers from 20 to 40. The circle is run by two Fine masters.

Sign on is $10.00 per person and drinks are Bring your own. The hares supply the food from money received. At October 2024 we have 7 hashers over 1000, being  Humpy 1422, Perky 1413, 69er 1362 Macwatt 1246, Crabstick 1179, Kahluis 1141 and Blowout 1012. Eleven other regulars are in the 500 to 800 range which demonstrates a strong committed chapter.

Each year we have a combined Christmas run with Rotorua and Sun City each taking a turn to organise the event. We hold weekend Hash events for significant occasions.     Many of the Mount Hashers are regular travellers to Hash events around N.Z.

Who Runs the Chapter:

Each year one of the main events is the AGPU which is held in August/September. It is usually a themed event and is the announcing of the new miss management committee along with our awards, Runniest Hasher, Hussy, Dick of the year etc. including the Joseph (walking stick) for the hasher who has progressed from running to walking with dignity The Mis management committee consist of the Grand Master GM Joint Master JM, Hon Sec (On Sex) bean counter, Religious Adviser (RA) Hash Horn, Fine Master, Run Master and Book, Hash Haberdashery and Web Adviser and these poor souls try to control the chapter holding several meetings throughout the year.  From Sept 24 GM – Smegma. Deputy GM – Suk-Inn, Fines masters Perkulater and All Black Nipples.  On-Sec Spank-Me,  Hash Kash -  Sourpuss,    Communications - Copteaser, Horn - 69er , Raffles - Pokinout. Flash – Sukinn.  Chapter Contacts:

Phil (2Humps) Pharo – Hash Legend

Hm Ph 07 5423114, Mob 021-822208:  perky2humps @

Spank Me (Mandy Paterson)  - OnSec

027 5914868:

Smegma (Ian Haugh) - GM

027 2399446:


Matarangi H3


We started in November 2021 and have a regular following of hounds most of who had never hashed before.

In Matarangi on the Coromandel Peninsula founder (Baabaabara) was part of H3 for a few years when living in Indonesia. Another couple here in Matarangi are also past hashers from overseas so we decided to see if there was any interest here to form a hash club in November 2021. We meet once a month on Saturday. We have approx 18 regulars so have decided that as a group we will keep it going.


GM - (Trish) Black Ball Chrusher 02041714916

Baabaabara 0211480064 (Hash Cash/Scribe)

private Facebook Group:


Hamilton -  Mooloo


Mooloo is another hash with a recent influx of younger members, who have brought youthful enthusiasm to add to the experience of the older hashers.  Past co GM's Footy and Sir Creamalot handed over to Slimy , then to Cuzzy Bro, Farkin Princess and now Hardly Gave Him Some AKA Jude Tasker. Most nights the pack ranges from 20 to 30 hashers with an even split of runners and walkers. Dingo is still walking  with us and we have somehow inherited Offal plus a few newbies and MissHap over from the Mount Hash. 

  • The AGPU is normally in July on a yearly cycle.  

  • Communication is mostly by facebook. And email. They also have a website but this has not been updated recently. The weekly trash is emailed.

  • Funding – Members pay a $8 sign on  fee. This covers the meal and Piss-stop drinks. Buy your own drinks from the chilly bin.

  • Runs are mostly home runs. With on average once a month at a pub. Average run length 4-6km

  • Hash night is monday at 6.30 pm.

  • The circle is usually run by the RA with assistance from the GM. Beer is NOT used for fines.  Shots of some horrible concoction are used.

  • Other officeholders are Shakesbeer - Hash Kash, Kum about - Hash Piss (formerly Cock, who has retired to Waiheke)

  • The hash has done over 1700 runs as at April 21.   

  • Dingo has 1280 plus runs. Toe Truck has just reached 1277. Gorilla Snot probably over 1100 but has retired from hash.  

  • Regular special runs include the annual FootCream run held every year since 2014.  This is a clue run with a on after that includes tug of war, food eating contests and a paint fight.  

  • There is also the annual Xmas morning short run at 10amish dressed in Xmas costumes.  

  • The hash participates in the Waikato River float.  

  • Travellers to away runs – Sir Creamalot.   

  • The hash hosted the Raglan run the weekend before Interhash 2018 but for 2019 are just helping the Mount hash who are the main organisers. Farkin Princess and Sex Wax main assistants. Event planned for weekend of June 7th





Mooloo Hash House Harriers (Hamilton NZ)


Sir Creamalot

Arthur (Sir Creamalot) Green
greenartmh3 @

Christine (Toe Truck) Thomsen
Mob 0274 885 238
c.thomsen @




Our group has been running; walking & drinking together for decades but are new to HHH in 2021.

We’re not a big group (about 20 currently) but do include a healthy mix of characters & capabilities.

Meetups are every Wednesday afternoon at 4.00pm - running or walking starts by 4.15pm sharp.

We always depart from the Otorohanga Sports Ground known as “The Island Reserve” 

We’ve got a variety of courses around town (usually about 7-10km) and often provide free return transport for runs further afield - especially in summer.

Visitors are welcome….so if you’re a tourist in the area for one of the amazing underground adventures allow time to come & join us as well.

(for more info about adventure caving options visit

There’s no cost to run and afterwards runners head to the Thirsty Weta Bar on the main Street of Otorohanga.


Current coordinator is Nick from Waitomo Mob 021924866 or email nick @ (prefer texts or email).

If you can’t get hold of Nick for any reason, feel free to simply turn up - ready to run/walk – we’ll be there 

nick @


Matarangi H3


We started in November 2021 and have a regular following of hounds most of who had never hashed before.

In Matarangi on the Coromandel Peninsula.
The founder (Baabaabara) was part of H3 for a few years when living in Indonesia. Another couple here in Matarangi is also past hashers from overseas so we decided to see if there was any interest here to form a hash club in November 2021. We meet once a month on Saturday. We have approx 18 regulars so have decided that as a group we will keep it going.


GM - (Trish) Black Ball Chrusher 02041714916

Baabaabara 0211480064 (Hash Cash/Scribe)

private Facebook Group:






A small but very relaxed hash.  Hashers Noodles, Lucifer, Longtime, Fireman Jim, Dupch and Daisy head a pack that varies from 10 to 20 in the summer to abit less in the winter.  No particular committee cycle. GM Noodles replaced Lucifer who reigned for 3 years. Signature weekend is the annual “Piddle down the river”, a raft race with keg on board – see below.   Noodles, a few years back, set a NZ hashing record with 11.5 years of continuous monday hashing The hash operates with the usual hash humor - years back one hasher repeatedly asked to become GM – the hash waited until she went overseas on holiday, then voted her in as GM.  Then voted her out again just before she returned.

The Edgecombe floods of April 2017 have hit the hash hard with Noodles, Keyless, Daisy and Lucifer all residents of the flood ravaged town.  

  • Hash night is Monday at 6pm.  

  • Current GM is Noodles, with the circle usually run by Noodles and or Fireman Jim.  Hash Kash is Longtime

  • Funding – Members pay a $6 sign on fee. This covers food. Buy your own drinks from the hash chilly bin.

  • Food is provided by the hare.  

  • Runs from farms, beaches and houses with the occasional pub.  

  • Communication is mostly by email and phone.  

  • Noodles has done aprox 1818 of the Hashes 1908 runs.  Fireman Jim 1138 and Longtime 966.

  • Regular annual run has been the Piddle down the river.  Some 3-4 rafts paddle down a local river over 2 days with camping at night.  Keg is part of on board equipment. Not held last couple of years due to river levels.   Search on for another river. Usually well supported by Mount hash.

  • Travellers to away runs – Daisy and Dupch.   Daisy a stalwart worker on Nomads. And who would ever forget his shovel work for the 2015 Nash Hash as he cooked and turned a trough of chicken over the fire.

  • Daisy has now moved to Rarotonga on a 2 year waterworks contract. The Hash planning a trip to visit him in September 2019



Postal Address:
Bruce & Wendy Evans
5 Kowhai St, Edgecumbe

bruce.wendy @

Bruce (Noodles) Evans
0272779460 Hm 07 3049494
bruce.wendy @

Fireman Jim
potteringabout @

Rotorua 2019.jpg



Established 20th February 1978 by Brian Lowry who would hang upside down and set fire to his luxuriant body hair. This was not a weekly occurrence. Lowry was assisted by co G.M. Tony Evans who honored us by attending our recent 2000th run.

Numbers built quickly as a town full of young, single, overpaid civil servants drinking cheap beer and wearing skimpy seventies running outfits discovered superb trails on their back door in Whakarewarewa forest.

These days the pack is diverse. Young fit jock strappers take off and never call ,returning lathered and filthy. The knitting circle wanders off gossiping, sometimes on trail, mostly not, and only returning once they've figured out where they are. And the halt and the lame sigh, grab a beer and pretend to look after sundry kids and dogs.  

Our Ancestors are Kota Kinabalu H3,  Descendants are Opotiki H3, 1st run 31st of October 1982 Grant Lowe GM Tokoroa H3, !st run 30th November 1982 Graeme “Walrus” Sutherland           Sun City H3 1st run 22 July 1984 Grant “Potblack” Hughes


We don't do it. There is no committee.
G.M.s have been as follows;

  • Evans-Lowry. Lowry departing leaving,

  • Evans. Departs 1980 inserting,

  • Dr. Mick Hedley. Departs Feb. '86 inserting,

  • Shortplanks. Departs Feb. 2006 inserting,

  • Pom. Departs Feb 2014 inserting,

  • Bruno. Incumbent.

Other office holders (Hash cash, bucket etc.) are by default i.e. if a Hasher disagrees with the way a job is being done and feels moved to point this out, they had better be prepared to do that job from then on. Current officeholders are Cockroach and Hard On - JM’s, General - Horn, Father - Cash and Poker huntis - Bucket.

How it works.

Summer runs at 6.00pm in forest, bush or farm, with town runs discouraged unless from the Corner Pub which is 150m from the forest. Winter runs at 5.30, usually pubs, unless we're hanging out for lasagne. Then we go to Udder's garage. Hares do food if they feel like it.

There is no sign on or subs. Pay as you go. Beer $3; and wines $5. Softies' prices are known only to those that drink them.

Current pack size is around 25 to 30, with an overall membership of about 50

Famous for

Interhash 1994. Thousands of Hashers from hundreds of countries who to this day say it was the best ever. We were assisted by N.Z. Hashes from all over who made the runs their own.

ALSO -  The only 2 NZ hashers who have passed the 2000 “run” milestone.  At June 2019, General is on 2102 and Father (Chairman of Interhash 94) is on 2062.  Both of them started hashing in 1978.  The Hash itself is up to 2342.



On the internet: 
xerox @
shortplankz @

or if old fashioned just ring Xerox 02102430817 or Planks 07 3628053 or Gonzo 02102272337 .




Tokoroa Hash House Harriers started in 1983.  Originally, made up of new young graduate engineers and staff of NZ Forest Products, now named Carter Holt Harvey Pulp & Paper, plus some locals.  We always ran on a Sunday evening when any travellers were back in town.  Other local clubs - Hamilton and Rotorua - ran on Monday nights so we often joined them as well.  

Shortly after our 100th run the club went into recess, but was restarted in 2009 by Marcus “Lone Ranger” Maydon, an pommie immigrant with plenty of enthusiasm and an amicable, passionate drive.  He found the past Hash Master or GOM, Graeme “Musthashless” Sutherland, and family, as well as a dozen new members, to get the club off running again.  The first "trial" or "demo" run was on Oct 28th to which 4 people turned up. It hasn't missed a beat since, albeit as a daylight savings hash.

  • Runs every Wednesday night during daylight savings at 6pm.

  • Runs Sunday 4pm during winter -  non daylight savings.

  • Runs leaving from pub carpark. 6-7 pubs are rotated as venues.  

  • Hare is normally Lone Ranger, with Musthashless taking the occasional turn when work commitments permit.  

  • Very much a family hash.  Pack size from 6 to 15.

  • Communication mainly via facebook.  The website provides some history of the hash but has not been updated for some time.  Pussy Galore is the on sec.

  • Limited travelers although increasing.  Lone Ranger and Sticky Fingers went to InterHash in Fiji and there was a heady FOUR attendees at Nash Hash 19.

  • Visitors - Likka from Pania has attended every significant Tokoroa run !!

  • The hash runs the annual Waikato Cheese Rolling event and last year raised $5,000 which is being donated for local community projects  - Conservation Forest and Bird, St Johns etc.

  • The Cheese rolling event, 1st Saturday in March  includes Caber tossing, egg throwing and other novelty competitions,  as well as the cheese rolling.

  • The Hash’s is now up over 550 runs at mid 2021.  Drinks at Tokoroa Club the night before.  

RIP Disco Duck   2018



Graeme “Musthashless”  Sutherland
wk 027483473  
suthg @

Labour weekend 2019



Taupo hash is currently not up and running as a regular hash, with only one hasher resident in town –Red Riding Hood

Nelson hasher Phlonker was in town for awhile but hasn’t been sighted by RRH in recent months.  

With the recruitment of Mount Maunganui hashers Bluevein and Heaps,  Taupo HHH staged a very successful Nash Hash 2015.

Red has for a number of years hosting an annual limited (by the size of her house!!)  numbers hash weekend in Taupo. And she is a keen traveller to both NZ and International hash events including being a member of the triumphant kiwi boat race team at the Tasmania Aussie Nash Hash.



Red Riding Hood
redridinghood63 @

Energy Hash April 19.jpg

Energy – New Plymouth


A drunken conversation one Monday Hash night led to three car loads of Hashers fronting up from Auckland and Hamilton in New Plymouth (at that time the only major city in New Zealand without a H3 Club) one Friday night late in January 1988.

Following an advertisement in the local paper Rewdundee, Gypsey and Mongo were at the Tasman Hotel to greet potential Hashers.  During the course of the evening eight locals came along to see what it was about.

Along with the following travelling hashers: Hacker, Gonzo, Aydz, Lindyloo and Pox from Auckland and Kanga, Raparound, Radar, Gondola and Fishbait (who was renamed Mulletguts by Hacker) from Hamilton.

Saturday morning saw Hacker and Mongo head off to set the run while the other hashers went to the Tasman Hotel for pre-run drinks, then a pack of 30+ gathered at the Tukapa Rugby Club at 1:00pm for the run.

The Sunday Recovery Run was set at Back Beach by Mongo and Steve (later to named Stewed the first GM of Energy Hash) and the Club is still going strong. 


Energy Hash is a mixed Hash with a Runners and Walkers pack that runs every Monday at 6:30pm (earlier on Public Holidays at 5:00pm). 
$3 sign on per person.  Bring your Own Booze / Water / Fizzy. With the Host being reimbursed$20 towards the kai.  This has been in place since mid November 2018 and seems to be working really well.  It’s taken the pressure off Hash Booze and means that the hashers can drink what they want. Any visiting Hashers have told of the change when they’ve been in touch and have happily rocked up with a few beers, cider or wine.

A Receding Hareline is sent out weekly listing the upcoming Energy Hash Runs, New Zealand and Overseas Hash Events and other special Hash Runs. 
We can also be contacted via Facebook, Messenger, Email, Text or Phone (and by Mail...) if any visiting Hashers or wannabe Hashers are in town and want to come along for a Monday Run or catch up during the week.
Our evenings usually finish about 9.30pm (run is at 6.30pm) so it is pretty quiet night. However we have a lot of laughs as we enjoy each others company and really enjoy welcoming visiting Hashers and new boots.

We used to hold our weekend event “The Energiser” once every two years which was aimed at Hashers from around the country, however licensing requirements have made this too difficult in todays climate.

We also have a dedicated group of local Hashers who enjoy travelling to Hash events around New Zealand and or to other Hash Club events around the world.
We have 2 1000 runs plus hashers -  Wantie on 1280 and Rigid on 1269 as at March 2021.  Ten has the 4 figures in sight with 876. The hash as a group is at 1817 at March 2021.   
We have a few favourite catch phrases that we like to use as a good introduction to stimulate interest about Hash and what it’s about.  They’ve proven to be a good icebreaker and a great talking point with new boots as we have them available on an assortment of patches:  “We’re here for the Beer”  “If normal people scare you join Hash House Harriers”  “We’re a Drinking Club with a running / walking problem”



WANT ONE (Heather Huzziff)   

energyh3 @

RIGID RABBIT (Trevor Frederickson)   
want1rigid @     

TEN (Neil Burge)  
neil.burge10 @               

PUSSY (Jill Burge)    
neiljill @   

Gisborne Photo.jpg

Gisborne - First Light

Club Name:
  First Light 

 Postal Address: 79 Anzac Street, Gisborne 4010

 Email Address:


Blue Virgin (Jay) & A-Blue-Shin (Paul)

 Phone number: 

021 134 2822 or 022 405 7748

 When & how often:  

First Light is currently not up and running as a regular hash.

If you want to come along or are visiting Gisborne please call or email us first to make sure we are having a run, if not always happy to catch up and do something.

 Hash Bucket: $10.00, then buy your own


2020 by Blue Virgin & A-Blue-Shin ex MH3

 Info: This is a mixed hash of walkers & runners. As we are trying to grow the new club, we will organise runs for any visitors who contact us. All welcome.  

If you are an ex-hasher moving to Gisborne we would love to hear from you as the more experienced hashes we have the better.

All new members Welcome.

Pania Plodders.jpg

Pania Plodders - Napier


July 20 1984. (over Auckland Mens HHH 666 weekend).

Founded by:

Robbie "LIKKA" McNaught.


Max "PORTNOY" Patmoy, Doug "SIXTY NINE" Wright, Ian "THIRTY TWO BIT" Wright, Mary "ROLLS" McMinn, Tony "SCHNAPPS" Snell, Martin “FOSSIL” Carmichael, Cathy “NO DEPOSIT” Mulvaney.


All of the above were members of the NAPIER HHH - founded March 9th 1981. (There was also a HASTINGS HHH between early 1982 and late 1983, but their active members joined Napier HHH and their lazy ones left.  The National Boat Race Trophy was originally raced between these two clubs. When Napier HHH hosted NZ Nash Hash in 1984 Hastings HHH was defunct, so we donated the trophy for all NZ HHH's to vie for.)

Today's Pania Plodders HHH is a far cry from the hedonistic, rambunctious, embarrassingly athletic hashers of yesteryear.  Younger folk (in hash years) like STEELO, ARSE-N-ALL and IN HER EARS keep our pace up, while LIKKA, SIXTY NINE and POCKETS turn their pacemakers up!  Guest appearances by oldies like PIG, ALO SAILOR and MASTER BAKER are always welcomed, as are new boots and visiting hashers.  Overseas hashers run free (excluding feature runs) as do new boots on their first run. Runs are advertised in the "COURIER" newspaper. Packs used to be 30 strong.  Today we're in single figures more often than not. That said we always set a trail! Every 6-8 weeks the trail is in Hastings to cater for our members there. The rest of our trails are within 15km of Napier.  Drink stops are mandatory for all hares. Terrain and distance vary with most trails having run/walk splits.

We meet:  

SUNDAY @ 2:00pm though we seldom leave on time.  We are normally out for 90 minutes.

In recent times the Hash has been trialing running on a Monday night.

Hash Bucket depends on whether the hares arrange food or not.  $8:00 yes, $5:00 no. Hash Beer/Cider $3:00, Softies $2.

We have 3 feature events every year (not counting feature weekend/milestone runs) which are:

  1. Our AGPU - Closest Saturday to our founding date - July 20th. Themed walkabout with 'stupor' set by JM's. Normally a meal and a large bar tab, both on trail and afterwards. Awards and Hash Erections.

  2. Hashmen's Home Brew walkabout. February 6th +/-. Local lads show off their brewing skills (or lack thereof) over several hours. Hares donate their wares, Hounds ‘judge’ for free. Hangovers free too.

  3. Harriet's Christmas Cocktails. Usually around December 15th. Classier than above, but still a stupor!

Our mis-management committee usually comprises the same faces with different hats on.  Currently they are:

GM: JUGGLER                               
Trail Master: STEP TOE                
Hash Cash: SHADY LADY             
Hash Beer: FLIGHT RISK              
Club run tally: 2000+
Next milestone run:   E               
Most member runs:   LIKKA (1551),  POCKETS (1010),  SIXTY NINE (828).....or thereabouts.



JUGGLER Hannah Purdie <>

LIKKA (Robbie)
021-2411481 / 06-8438392

021-703392 / 06-8421101

027-9328723 / 06-8436176

SHUNTER (Darryl)

**  Nearly 40 years later some of our originals are still hashing!!!

Sadly, others, have gone to that big ON ON in the sky. "LITTLE FLICK" (Andre), "CHIPMONK" (Phil), "SHAG" (Tony) and others from Napier HHH; as well as a similar number from Hastings HHH.

In recent years we too have lost ‘family’ of our own.  Amongst them: "MCP" (Dave) and "JB" (Syd) who died within a fortnight of each other in April 2013.  "SUGAR DADDY" (David) left us 18 months ago, followed shortly afterwards by "ROLLS" (Mary). We will always remember them….      

Palmerston North.jpg

Palmerston North

The Palmy North hash are these days a small mixed hash running mainly from hashers homes.  A recent addition of international students from Massey. Runs are on Monday at 6.30pm. The hash is now over 2000 runs and nearly to 2100.  

  • Current committee headed by Hangman and Sandman.  

  • Communication is mostly by phone and email, with Cryptic now running a Facebook page.   

  • Runs are mostly home runs  

  • The most prolific runners are Hangman, Sandman and Urchin who are all over 1000 runs.  Mellors not far behind. Other longtime membes - Wah. Dallas pops in occasionally.

  • The hash has an annual weekend away at Mangaweka.  Usually round March. Hangman and Urchin had attended every one until this year when their golfing commitments precluded them.  




Sandman,  Confucius
glenys_opieanddron @

Hangman Urchin   
churchill77 @



The Mash3 founded by ex Wellington hasher Budgie. Hash is still going strong and passed 1550 runs early 2018.  

Little Flic who didn't turn up to run number 1 cos he couldn't be bothered has only missed only 18 runs since.  Definitely the highest % in NZ Recently (April 2021) he had done 1676 of the groups 1694 runs.

The rather uncharitable Phantom has suggested that “attendances” might be a more accurate description for some of these runs.  But the words kettle and pot spring to mind there.

Others in the top 6 for runs in the hash at April 2021 are Dogshit 1545, Sewerage 1576, Mr X 1432, Phantom 1403 and Spike 1275.

Average pack size is around the dozen mark.  The hash run in varied locations, mostly round Masterton with a strong social link being the Services Club and the Horseshoe bar.   

Mash3 has had combined runs with Wellington and Palmy North in the past.   The more recent being a Wellington busload meeting Mash3 in Featherston and Mash3 attending a Geri's weekend at Riversdale.  

  • Current committee headed by GM Grasshopper

  • The AGPU and change of committee is on a 50 run cycle.  

  • Communication is mostly by phone and contact at the Services Club/Horseshoe bar

  • Run funding –  Quart bottles of beer are on sale at $4 each after home and bush runs. Buy your own drinks at pub runs.  

  • Food for home runs supplied by the hare with a $20 subsidy from the hash.  

  • Regular participation in the Round the Vines fun run/walk at Martinborough.  Were spotted in a recent year proudly claiming the unofficial Dead Last and Most drunk group prizes.

  • Travellers to away runs – not these days.



Dave Phantom Walker 0274379139. Brue “Dogshit” 0278413165

Wellington Region


There are approximately 100 regular hashers in Wellington spread over 5 weekly groups Monday to Thursday, plus a fortnightly Sunday bikers hash, and a Saturday morning run/walk group. A number of hashers are members of more than one group. Wellington HHH is the only mens only group.   Visiting hashers are encouraged to contact DT 0274537050 for run details.

Most groups have a Facebook page and some have their own website. Runs are Wellington and Capital (Monday), Geriatrix (Tuesday), Ladies (Wednesday) and Thirsty Thursday Taniwhai

There are Friday night drinks from 5pmish in the Waitoa Bar Victoria St. Wellington city.  Visitors are welcome.

Wellington HHH (Mens).jpg

Monday group



The first hash group formed in Wellington and the second oldest hash in NZ.  Staunchly mens only, although female visitors are very welcome and many a run has a female or three for various reasons.  Normal pack of around 30 with about one thirdrunners and the rest walkers. Age range 40's to 70s with the majority, like most NZ hashes of a “mature” age.  Have recently become a singing hash of sorts, thanks to Hash Brown, his trusty guitar and his adapting of popular songs to take the piss out of hash members.

  • Main committee consists of Ayotollah (GM), Hash Monk and RA.  These 3 “attempt to” run the circle and are appointed annually.  2024-25 Ayotollah is Crazy Horse  with the RA Penquin and Hash monk - Tripod.  

  • Subsidiary office holders are Hash Cash (DT), Trailmaster (Oggy), Historians (Biggles and Porkbox), and Horn (Sproggy ).

  • Communication is mostly by email.  Everyone has a list. Some know how to use it.  The hash also has a Facebook page which is starting to gain traction thanks mainly to photograhers Possum and High Heels.

  • Major annual runs are Xmas and AGPU (April or thereabouts).  And more recently the Xmas Craft Beer Bar run.

  • Funding – most members pay a $50 monthly AP which covers all weekly drinks, plus all costs for the Xmas run and AGPU including taxi home.  Pub runs buy your own meal. Summer and winter barbeque runs ( we have a barbeque trailer “Tammy”) you bring your own meat and/or other food to cook on Tammy.  

  • Daylight savings runs (October to March) are mostly bush runs from parks near the bush, or from home garages.  With Tammy in attendance or other barbeque.

  • Non daylight savings runs (April to September) are a mixture of home garage runs and pub or club runs.   

  • Circles are usually lively affairs.  The main office holders start proceedings.    Then follows fines from the floor, with much banter and bedlam. Finally the awarding of prick of the week.  Prick writes the trash for the next week.

  • Highest number of runs Biggles who is estimated at near 2000.  Next are Town Planner, TC and Pisspot Kev around the 1750 mark. Exports to the Mount - Gnash and Mildew also up there.  About a dozen others 1000 plus. At the other end of the scale newish regulars under 300 –FatBoy, Screw Loose and Possum.   Sproggy has done the most nude runs.

  • Non hash annual away trips for golf and occasionally Nomad.  

  • Not many regular travellers to NZ away weekends although a surge recently. He’ll Keep, ABC and Tripod all ventured to Winter Camp.  Other travellers Sproggy and DT. Few more to Interhashes and Nash Hashs.  Nearly double figures at NH23

  • Visitors fees – officially $10 but more often than not waived.




Pisspot Kev Kevin Braddock
netstar1nz @

k9 @

DT (Deepthroat)
alan.seerup @


Monday group



Capital Hash was founded in 1981 by a bunch of Lion Breweries staff who broke away from the Wellington Hash. The inaugural run was on 2 February from the Thorndon Tavern with 9 hashers present.  After a period in recess from November 1981 until its re-erection by the Ayotollah, Mad Max, and 15 others on 5 September 1983 the Hash has survived many a change over the years.

The Hash, as suggested by its name predominately runs around the central Wellington area with occasional forays out into Kilbirnie and Miramar and other outer suburbs.  The hash has even been to Masterton and Palmerston North.  

Capital runs on Mondays at 6:30 pm from pubs, cafes or hasher’s homes as long as alcohol is available. Pack numbers range from 6-10 .  

Weekly fee is $2 for charges (usually beer, soft drink or water) after the run and the hare provides the PS (again usually beer, soft drink or water).

Food and beers at the On On is BYO from pubs or if from a home the cost is at the discretion of the hare.

Run lengths vary from 2 km to 8 km. Occasionally a walkers short cut will be set.

Regular weekly awards;
Short Cutting Bstard (hat), Front Running Bstard (hat), Wank3r (Pants)

100 runs is recognised with the award of a wooden mug.  Other runs can be recognised by awarding of the prick.

Everyone usually has pissed off by 9.30, preferably by public transport or Shank's Pony.

Geestring has done the most runs in the hash with around 1550.     Next are Scrac thing , Handle and Corpuscle, all over 1000 as at late 2024. Hash total over 2222.  A 2222 weekend was held in the Wairarapa in early 2024

capitalh3nzl @


Facebook Page



Recycled Virgin 
0221911662   mcmoolan @


027 226 8541   
handle @


Tuesday group

Port Nicolson Geriatrix


Formed in 1985 by some of the more mature Ladies group as a more sedate and city based  alternative. A mixed hash. Normal pack of around 10-20 with the majority being walkers.  

  • Committee consists of the GMs Dayglo and Dolly with Walkers RA’s Spiderman and Knockers and  Hash Kash Smash. These office holders are on a yearly cycle with the AGPU normally held in April.

  • Other longer term office holders are Treetop – On Sec/Trailmaster and Gatey – webmaster.   

  • Communication is mostly by email.  Treetop maintains this list and sends weekly run updates. Other run updates and information are on both the Geri’s website and  Also on Facebook page

  • Funding – Members pay a $2 weekly fee ($4 if there is a Piss-stop) for pub/restaurant runs and buy their own drinks and meals.  Or $15 for home runs which covers both meal and drinks. Since Covid, payments are by internet. Sourpuss oversees this, despite now living in Papamoa.

  • Runs all year round are a mixture of home runs and pub/restaurant runs.  

  • The circle is usually started by the GM’s and then handed over to the RA.  . Then fines from the floor. Weekly award is the Stick. Recipient writes the trash for the next week.  

  • Dinki is the highest in runs, well over 1500 are estimates as she has stopped counting !!.  Treetop , Browneye, AKA, DT and Gatecrasher are all over 1000.   RIP Snowplough - over 1500.

  • Regular special runs have included the Gatey Te Marua Naturist club run, the mid-winter swim run and the Pink run.  Not held much these days.   

  • Visitors fees – pay the same as the members.  

  • Travellers to away runs - Half the hash went to Brussels Interhash !!   Although these days it is just Gatecrasher to NZ runs.



treetop.taylor @

brentandersonnz @

Wgtn Ladies.jpg

Wednesday group

Wellington Ladies


Founded in November 1978 by Chips and a few other unfortunates (who were excluded from the ranks of the chauvinistic WH3 by virtue of sex!) as a female alternative to the all male Wellington group.  WLH3 has always been a mixed hash. Normal pack of around 20-30 with up to 10 young runners a handful of more experienced runners. The bulk of the hash - walkers. Definitely the singing hash of Wellington, mainly thanks to the arrival of Fire N Da Ho from Europe 11 years ago. The whole hash knows the songs now. The young gun runners in their 20’s - H2, Miss Bumps, Wetspot, Carmen, Rambo, Wedgie, Pegleg and Headcase. Backed up by the more experienced Right, One Pint and Dr Lap Sap

  • Current committee (AGM Feb 23) consists of the Senior GM IQ20 with Junior GM One Pint ; RA  Cisko Kid with backup from Headcase and H2, the Ladies Advisory group of Eclipse, Fire, Mini-muff and Mistress; Choirmistress The Hash; Hash Kash Tinkles/Real Deal; Grogmaster DT; and Hasherdabery Chips.    

  • Communication is mostly by email.  But Ladies now have a website and a facebook page. One Pint maintains the email list. Headcase is head of Communications.  FB becoming more and more the avenue of communication.

  • Funding – Members pay a $3 weekly fee for pub/restaurant runs and buy their own drinks and meals.  Or $10 for home runs which covers both meal and drinks.

  • Runs all year round are a mixture of home runs and pub/restaurant runs.  

  • The circle is usually run by RA’s  with help from the GM’s, and LAG, and fines from the floor.  Weekly award is the Wobbly Titty Mug. Recipient writes the trash for the next week.

  • Chips the matriarch of the hash –notched up her 1500th run on eve of Ladies’s 2000th in November 2015. Chips now over 1800.

  • Right next with over 1300 followed by Dinki and Downthere both over  1200.

  • Regular special runs including IQ Jabbers early January run at Peka Peka

  • Visitors fees –  pay the same as the members.  

  • Travelers to away runs - Fire and DT, Chips, IQ20, Jabberwocky, Corpuscle, Tinkles and Real Deal. And more recently 1 Pint and Mistress, Lunar and Eclipse



DT - 0274537050. alan.seerup @

One Pint

email: mjpen13 @

email: wildmo @

email: chips.hhh @


Thirsty Thursday Taniwha.jpg

Thursday group

Thirsty Thursday Taniwha


T3H3 was formed on the 26th May 2016 by Recycled Virgin, Pannikin Cider, Nokia, Corpus-L and Handle who decided that heading out for a run as well as having drinks was a good idea. Only Corpus-L still lives in Wellington.

The Taniwha run on Thursdays at 7:00pm from any venue close to public transport.    

Weekly fee is $2 for charges (beer, soft drink or water) after the run.  There may or may not be a PS depending on the hare. Other drinks are BYO.
Average run length is 5km.
Hash trash is written on the night with most present contributing a sentence or two.

Normal pack size 5-8 - mostly members of Monday night Capital Hash, with the addition of WHHH’s High Heels

The number 3 is the revered number.  Fines for run number which feature 3.   
RV and High Heels sort out venues etc, although with RV moving to Dunedin in early 2025, it looks like HH will be stepping up.  

Weekly Award           
Tuatara Relic

Facebook Page:



High Heels
022 0841586

Corpuscle - 0273042859

 RV 0221911662

SAM hash.png

Saturday group


This hash has justly been accused of being the "tea and toast" brigade. Run/Walk every Saturday morning at 8am. Followed by breakfast. Alcohol not banned but rarely seen. It is a tad early to start drinking !!

  • Trails are not laid (there has been the odd rare exception) - we figure it out as we go.  We tend to split into FRB's and SCB's - the latter are directed to probable short-cuts.

  • All who participate are hashers Runs are generally an hour at least.  Can be a lot more.  

  • The SAM also serves the dubious purpose of exploratory missions into some of the more impassable areas of Wellington to hunt out hashable territory.  We find a lot of dead-ends. 

  • There are usually serious hills - this is Wellington.

  • Numbers - In 2024 around 14-20.

  • Venues are a mix of hashers homes where the hare puts on breakfast,  and boot parties where it is BYO breakfast, comfy chairs etc.


Dick (Quadro) Johnson
Hm  04 479-7200

Alan Treetop Taylor
treetop.taylor @ 

Sunday group


A bike hash that rides every second Sunday.  No trail.

Average pack size of 5-10.   All over Wellington region. Snowplough and Dinki have been the mainstays of this group. Sadly Snowplough passed away in June 2021.



Sandy “Dinki” Crampton




One of the major contributors to the NZ hashing scene. Host to 2 Nash Hashes, including 2013 when nearly 300 attended.  Weekly numbers are 15-25, hashing mainly from homes with the odd pub and other venues.  Hash started by  Cooch, Deputy Dawg & Grits in 1994 after Rotorua  Interhash..

  • Hash night is Wednesday at 6pm. Trails cover various territory with summer  runs often near rivers, beaches & bush.  Winter runs are mainly street runs. During winter we also set monthly Sunday afternoon / weekend away trails.  

  • 2023 -  AGPU - TeddyBare handed over GM ship to Mini Haha

  • GM is Mini Haha RA - Pannekin, Hash Kash - Plumley, Dray - Sticky Willy,    Oriditor – Supa Dupa, Hare Raizer - Felloffa Hasherdabery- Flatliner and Code Brown, Royalty in attendance - Mimi~

  • Pack is about 50/50 runners and walkers.  

  • Funding – Members pay a $5 sign on fee. This covers food. Buy your own drinks from the hash chilly bin.

  • Food is provided by the hare.  

  • Communication is  mostly by email and Facebook (Nelson Hash House Harriers).

  •  Plumley has done approx 1,388 of the groups 1583 runs at June 2021.  Stroker attained the 1000 mark recently.  Another  5 or 6 of the hash have done between 700 and 900 runs.

  • Regular annual  Winter Camp is  held at St Arnaud (Lake Rotoiti) in July or August.  Contact one of the Nelson hashers if you are interested in attending..

  • A hard core of 5  – 10 club members regularly attend NZ and overseas events



Mini Haha


Stroker          strokernh3 @

Shaggus       shaggus @

Mimi  - Cyndy Dever  dever @,
info @  027 204 6011

Hornie & MB  :
              021 078 5337 

Christchurch HHH.jpg



We were founded on 12th November 1979 by Rub Me Knob, General Teeth, Human Dynamo and Great Uncle Bulgaria.  Two of these notable men have been past NZGM’s (General Teeth and Human Dynamo). We were the first Hash club to be formed in the South Island and are the longest running Hash Club in the South Island.

We are a mixed hash with an average size pack of 20-25 (25-30 over the summer months) and run every Monday at 6.30pm from different locations around the city.  During the winter we often stick to the streets or within the city limits (although sometimes a challenge in the Eastern suburbs because of earthquake damage still about).  In the summer months we venture further afield to the hills and countryside. Runs cater for walkers, joggers and runners with a good sense of humour! Dogs are welcome unless advised prior.

Our annual AGM’s are a theme night held on a Saturday night (so you have Sunday to recover).  Many a fun night has been had with themes such as M*A*S*H, Cinco de Mayo, Rock Stars, 4th July, Beach Party, Cum As Your Hash Name etc.

Also every year on our Show Day (Canty anniversary day) is Hussies Hat Day.  A day of fun and laughter for the Hussies where we slap on a dress and don a fancy dat.

On the odd occasion we will have combined runs with the Tuesday hash (Garden City) which gets both clubs together. These are often held on a Sunday.  Once every few years MOLE does his Mt Somers spectacular runs which is just out of this world being set in the hills and mountains of where parts of Lord of The Rings was filmed.

Every Christmas each club has turns in hosting the Combined Hash Xmas Doo which is a formal affair and hounds and hussies get in their best and a night to remember.

We also do Winter Camp bi-annually with Garden City.  These are often a theme on the Saturday night.

We have a Annual Duck Run with its own trophy where ducks of all descriptions (not live or motored) are raced in a river of sorts and a load of fun is had for the day.

We have our own website and Facebook page Christchurch Hash House Harriers.  Both are maintained by members of the committee.  Many of our visitors find us via our Website hence the importance of keeping these up to date.

Communication to all club members is via email, Facebook and info on our Website.  Email is done via our Dropbox where we have a set email from the Christchurch Hash House Harriers email and done as a group mail out.  A contact list is set up in our Dropbox and can be altered as needed by committee members.

GM is Ding-a-ling; RA – STD; Fines - Navigator, Beep Beep;  JM – all committee; Hash Kash, - DING-A-LING; Hash Habberdasery – RLD; Dray - Em-Def. Scribes - Workashirka and Goodnight Kiwi.

Committee meets every couple of months for updates on upcoming events. We have a designated Scribe for the Trash and when she is unable to be on the run, someone from the Committee fulfils that duty. Fines Masters are chosen on the night. Weekly awards are the Prick of The Week, The Stick – for anyone needing protection of some sorts (previously known as the Hussies Molestering Stick for the hussies but due to small numbers of hussies at the time it was then presented to both hounds and hussies) and the Wobbly Legs.

Run fee is $5 including food per night. $2 fee if just doing the run. Buy your own drinks from the chilly bins provided. Beers $2.50, RTD's $3.50, wine and soft drinks (prices vary).  

Circles are started off by the GM who welcomes any new members, visitors.  The RA then takes over and does fines and any initiations of naming of newbies.  The floor is open to any dobs etc.

Easter 2015 was the 2000th run.  Approximately the 4th NZ club to reach this milestone.   
Our longest serving runners are RED LIGHT DISTRICT who hit 1000 in April 2018, with   BEEP BEEP bringing up the same milestone in March 2019.



nanpatp @

Ding-a-ling - Perry Buist
pbuist @     0272958881


Garden City Chch.jpg

Garden city - Christchurch


GCH3 came about because Christchurch Hash were running about 70 at the time and that was too many for Hashers to host at their homes.

So on Sunday ist July 1984 a run was set by two NZGM’s. The human Dynamo and General Teeth. This after a steering committee of Hamburger, Rocket Man, Vege, Flash, Dagy, the Human Dynamo and BIIK had set things up.

Runs thereafter have been on a Tuesday with Dagy and Flash as the first JM’s (equality, no GM) and Vege as the Hash Cash and Mt Manwell as On Sex. The idea was that the club should be run equally by Hashmen and Hussies; also that food, beer, wine and softies should be available at every run.

Currently, Flash is in Aussie, Mt Manwell in Ipswich England and ex NZGM  JRGEE stole Vege away and currently hides her in Nelson. Dagy still in Christchurch held by Stickee fingers!


As with  our mother Hash CH2H3, our runs are in and around Christchurch normally at 1830, with the idea that summer runs should be country; leaving the streets for winter. The rip off at $6.00 covers food after the run and fines. This also gives us funds to buy 100th run pannikins etc. Buy your own beer, wine and softies from chilli bins provided. These days there is more and more low alc being supplied.

Christchurch H3 and Garden city take turns organizing Winter camp and the combined Xmas formal every year. Other weekend runs and Sunday runs take place at times. It would be fair to say Christchurch has a limited number of areas for country runs and these have been more than well used. After the earthquakes there are lots of new housing and business estates being built which gives new territory for the town runs, a good outcome from having our homes stuffed !!

CURRENT COMMItTEE  - as of november 2024

RA: Small Black

JM’s: Klingon and Lip Splitter

Haberdasher: Lip Splitter     

Fines Master : Navigator and Bolyx

Garbage: Lone Ranger

Drays : Klingon

Kash -   Bolyx

On-Sex - SSS

We do keep a register which all sign in and out of. In theory we should be able to find how many runs anyone has ever done. In practice some of the books from the 90’s have been lost.

These days, more walkers than runners.

The club, as at late 2024, is around 2250 runs.   Dagy has done over 1700 of them. His big 1500th was in 2018. Oxfam legs, Missing Linc and Vasie over 1000. Loco over 900. Navigator nearly at 900.



033227149 / 0210558547
Dagy @

Or   Gardencityhhh @


  • Run every second Sunday at 4pm

  • H5 is Buy your own,

  • Runs are BYO and Pot Luck dinner. (guests just BYO)

  • Mixed Hash, runs are mostly walks 5 to 6 km.   

  • 15 average turn out.

  • Established 28/6/82 by Sirloin

  • Currently over 1630 runs. 1500th was mid 2021. Sirloin 1545 runs

  • Very little travelling these days.  



Peter Tipa (Sirloin)
Mob 0274 383825
petertipa @
FaceBook Page Dunedin Hash House Harriers for announcements.


  • Run every

  • Mixed Hash, runs are mostly walks 5 to 6 km.   

  • 15 average turn out.

  • Established



Contact Name Muff Diver
Mob +64 27 246 8654
OtepotiH3 @

Otepoti - Dunedin.jpg
Southern Flyers.jpg

Southern Flyers – Invercargill


Invercargill Hash House Harriers (ie Southern Flyers) was founded in 1982 by “Swoft” ( Sid Swift), who is possibly still Hashing elsewhere in NZ under another alias.

Weekly runs are traditionally from the Northern Tavern, except for “one off” runs from Hashers’ homes or on special occasions.  

The pack has varied over the years, from 20 plus down to a core of only four for a short period.

As well as supporting other Southland/Otago Hash clubs (eg Te Anau, Dunedin and Alexandra) in the earlier days, at least three runs have been held with the Hashers from the Frigate HMS Southland when it was in port at Bluff.

Tradition has included mid winter “walkabouts” and the Xmas “naughty nighty” runs, with carols and home brewed cider.

Run milestones were the 500th in November 1992, 1000th on 20 September 2003 and 1500th on 16 March 2014.  
1996 runs at 3 Nov 2024. 2000th scheduled for 7th December.


Runs are held every Monday (except public holidays) at 6.00pm from the Northern Tavern, corner of St Andrew and Sydney Streets Invercargill, with occasional runs from Hashers’ homes.

There are generally only walkers now and total numbers up to 10 each week.

There is no sign in cost or subscription, with “buy your own” drinks at the circle.

Southern Flyers lays claim (until proven otherwise) to be the most southern all year round Hash in the world.



Liquor Out (GM – David Clark)
is clukey293 (email)   
0210645847 (phone)

Brewer (Jim Dawson)
is ajdawson  
0274359818 (phone)




Takaka Hash House Harriers

‘It’s Just a hill, Get over it!’


Founded 27th of March 2014 by Toyboy & W.E.N.D.Y. (nee Marborough) as a pre-run to Nelsons 20 Years of Hashing.

Around half of 30+ Hashers from around NZ and from as far afield as Australia and Canada located the hill, got over it, and ran the streets and outskirts of Takaka whilst short-cutters meandered through pubs to meet for a piss-stop on the banks of the mighty Takaka river.

Back for Finz and Food at Tb & W’s newly purchased Campground, the election of a committee, and Takaka Hash was born.


The Oracle – She who Knows and Remembers All Things Takaka Hash – Mimi

Mimi’s words “Undeniably a very important role, becoming more difficult as the years pass, especially since my reign as NZGM.

The Gate Keeper – Mission: to keep Riff Raff from getting Over the Hill – Sierra Hornie

Hornie’s words “Turns out I haven’t been overly successful in this role, oh well, I will just have to keep practising.

Celebrating 50 Runs as the Unofficial Start of Fi Fi’s Road to Nash Hash, and having won the bid to host Nash Hash 23, with Tasman as our playground Takaka Hash is here to stay.

Run on request, give us a little notice.

Contact: Toyboy (mob 021 549 443) & W.E.N.D.Y. (mob 0274 549 443)

kiwih3 @


Marlborough BACK IN THE DAY

Probably NZ’s most well known hash, in their day.  Or in their century, which was the last one.

A small but extremely well travelled hash who punched well above their weight.   A mini version of Hammersley. Marlborough take it up the ……………………….. doo dah doo dah  

Well travelled because they had the country’s air force at their disposal – many a NZ hash awoke to find that Marlborough hash had flown in under cover of darkness and drunk all their beer.   

Characters such as Suipe who won 2 interhash downdowns and was arguably the fastest downdown exponent of all Hash time, rivalled only by Hooray Henry from the UK.  Sadly the 2 never met in a one on one, being from slightly different era’s.

Other characters such at NZGM Troll-up who emigrated to Auckland but soon left cos of all the fucking rain.   

Also Soak who has now become an Australian.    Increasing the average IQ of both countries as they say.  

2 of the later die-hards Wendy and Toyboy continue manfully to fly the Marlborough flag wherever they may live.  Which is now Takaka