Bay of Islands
Bay of Islands Hash was the brainchild of Moogabee and Pokin Out (also known as Keith Kietzmann and Deb Clarke). After an experimental couple of runs they finally had their inaugural run on 6 May 2007. It was well attended by hashers from their mother Hash, Mt Mangonui. Humpy the current NZ GM and Perky his wife came along with a number of Mount Hashers to give us a boost. Other from the Mount and Auckland included Snag, Orgy, Stamen Two Jugs, Shunter, and Captain from Auckland. Pet Roll, K Gel. DG, Wooly Jumper, Silver Tongue, Lucifer, TeazeMaid and Keyless attended as well. Due to the strong influence of Mount Hash many traditions have been followed. There is always the obligation piss stop at some stage during the run and a fine circle at the end of the run. The idea of the running toilet as the emblem for Bay of Islands Hash was inspired by blunderbuss at toilets in colour (Hundertwasser). And obviously with us all talking and drinking toasts which felt quite comfortable with hashers in the toilet, the running toilet became our emblem.
We have a toilet, which is suitably decorated, after being given to us by our neighbours Whangarei Hash (WH5). Bay of Islands has had its numbers falling and rising since that first run, with numbers between 5 to 35. We have never stopped hashing, although in the winter- time many years ago, we went to fortnightly. We entice and welcome anyone along and have had a colourful and mixed bunch on our trails over the years. We welcome children and dogs and if you need a lift, bed or any information about the area, we do our best to accommodate.
We run on Mondays at 5pm and cover the wider Bay of Islands area (along the coast and between Kawakawa and Kerikeri) On public holidays we may meet earlier.
Our regular numbers are about 8 -15.
Run sign on is $10.00 and byo drinks and picnic gear (the fee covers hash run, piss stop and kai / food)
We have over 800 runs (2023) and usually have AGPU weekends and some overnight parties to celebrate special run numbers. Our 777 Run was an overnight celebration on 27 Aug 2022.
A relatively small but perfectly formed hash we welcome anyone to come and hash with us in the Winterless North OnOn
GM - Ebeneezer
RA/Web master Heavy Metal 021 432720
Hash Cash - Magic Roundabout (ex Brunei H3) 0212 693 056
Hash on Sec
Brewmaster - CR (Cockroach)
Also contact Teazemaid (ex NZGM) 09 4026915 (Hm) / 0212056822