Hamilton - Mooloo
Mooloo is another hash with a recent influx of younger members. Who have brought youthful enthusiasm to add to the experience of the older hashers. Past co GM's Footy and Sir Creamalot handed over to Slimy who in turn handed over recently to Cuzzy Bro. Most nights the pack ranges from 20 to 30 hashers with an even split of runners and walkers.
- The AGPU is normally in July on a yearly cycle. In 2014 this was a tad later.
- Communication is mostly by facebook. And email. They also have a website but this has not been updated recently. The weekly trash is emailed.
- Funding – Members pay a $8 sign on fee. This covers the meal and Piss-stop drinks. Buy your own drinks from the chilly bin.
- Runs are mostly home runs. With on average once a month at a pub. Average run length 4-6km
- Hash night is monday at 6.30 pm.
- The circle is usually run by the RA with assistance from the GM. Beer is NOT used for fines. Shots of some horrible concoction are used.
- The hash has done over 1400 runs.
- Dingo has 1200 plus runs. Toe Truck has just reached 1000.
- Regular special runs include the annual FootCream run held every year since 2014. This is a clue run with a on after that includes tug of war, food eating contests and a paint fight.
- There is also the annual Xmas morning short run at 10amish dressed in Xmas costumes.
- The hash participates in the Waikato River float.
Travellers to away runs – none currently.
Arthur (Sir Creamalot) Green - Co-GM
Mob 027 4746989
Hayley (Footlong) Morris - Co-GM
Mob 021 2310015
Christine (Toe Truck) Thomsen
Mob 0274 885 238
Mooloo Hash House Harriers (Hamilton NZ)
GM Cuzzy Bro